Growing Pains
Well, I am not even sure how to begin...hmmm, that sounds like something my clients often tell me.
It looks like I am going to join the world of blogging. I guess it’s not too much of a stretch, considering I have been writing my life story in my head since I was a teenager…mostly because I have done enough dumb stuff to fill the pages of many books.
Recently, God laid it on my heart to start writing a blog. Write? A blog? When would I have time to do that?! What would I write about? What if no one reads it? What if people actually read it? If you know me at all, you know my plate is extremely full right now. If you know me really well, then you know how overwhelmed my life and schedule have been for the past few years. Business is booming and my house is bursting at the seams. I barely have time to pay bills and grocery shop, let alone write.
I started Called To Order in July of 2008 (a year and a half after moving from the comfort of the Pacific Northwest to the deep south). I love helping people get rid of things that rob them of space and give them an organized home in return. As a professional organizer and interior designer, I often purchase containers, furniture and décor for clients and bring them to our scheduled appointments. Because my business is based at home (no overhead!), those products get stored in my family’s dining room, home office or entryway until said appointment.
What started out as a manageable annoyance has turned into my home being swallowed up with cardboard shipping boxes, furniture and countless full shopping bags…in nearly every room! Ummm yeah, I see the painful irony here. My home was once a place of refuge for my hard working husband and our son. This evening, my son texted me photos of what he had to deal with while trying to enter our house. Let's just say, our UPS man is like family, lol! It has become a joke that we all come home to "Mollie's Warehouse", but it's seriously weighing us down. I wake up every morning and come home every evening holding my breath and feeling like I am about to go under. (These photos don't even show the worst of it.)

I wrote this on June 1, 2017 and finally posted it today. On December 2nd of last year, I cried out to God while driving home one evening. I could not continue working or living like this, nor expect my family to. I believe God showed me what to do.
My answer to prayer was this old house built right after the Civil War. It operated as Beverly’s Flower Shop for 50 years and has sat vacant for the last 5 or so. And, soon it will be the new home of Called To Order. Yes, it's rough and there's a lot of work to do before we can move the business into it. But, what a blessing! How this rental came about is a story for another day.

"And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:19