Shop Transformation: 2.Exterior

As a reminder, below is the shop the day I was given the keys. I am not even sure I can convey the excitement I felt accepting this tremendous opportunity.

During the 4 or 5 weeks leading up to this moment, I had already been designing in my heading (what else is new?). I sketched out the floor plan from memory and could finally go in and take precise measurements. When I saw how close I was in my estimation, I surprised myself. Each time I gave a visitor the "before" tour, for some reason, they got a kick out of my drawing.
I designated a function for each room to include receiving packages, assembling furniture, storing inventory, meeting with clients and work space.

Here is the exterior after 2.5 years of hard work. The landscaping is definitely not fancy, but it's all we need.
I ordered the address numbers from my friends at Woodland Manufacturing. They nailed it, yet again! I painted a board a bit lighter than the siding and installed the numbers myself.

Up next in the series: