Shop Transformation: 9.Bathroom
Pictures can tell a much better story about the condition of this bathroom than I can.

Initially, I planned to hire someone to just swap out a new toilet. I was nervous about the cost of re-doing this entire room. Like, who really needs a fancy bathroom in their workshop? But, every time I went to the shop and peeked in, I knew it would take more than a shiny, new toilet for me to actually use the toilet. The old vanity cabinet was in really rough condition. No amount of cleaning or painting was going to make this feel clean enough for me to use or store things in. The more I pondered it, the more confident I became. The whole bathroom needed some love.

I don't often take selfies, but when I's usually because I am excited or nervous about tackling something in the background, lol! I was definitely a combination of both in this photo.

When To The Full Construction worked on my front door, siding and ceilings, we added the bathroom to the list. Jeff said if I could draw up a new vanity, he would build it. That was definitely the way to go. I didn't need fancy or finished cabinetry. I just wanted simple, modern and functional. And if I know how to draw anything, it's that! So, they ripped everything out and got to work.

For the vanity, I had two must haves: re-use the amazing, existing sink and add in a hot water heater. Jeff added a lower cabinet base (with a door) that houses the small hot water heater and plumbing. To the right and left, he built open shelving for storage. I just couldn't stomach the idea of closed storage (aside from the water heater) for toiletries, etc. I don't typically opt for open shelving because I prefer the clean look of not seeing everything, buuuuut, I'm a fan of it in some designs. This would be one, lol! Look at my cute, little water heater!

Jay, my regular electrician does nearly all of our electrical work. But, Joey (Brooke's husband - she's part of the Called To Order team) installed these two wall sconces for me. This allowed me to add a tall mirror over the sink. The original wall sconce was installed too low, limiting my mirror placement. I chose these new wall sconces (below) for their shape and color. They have brushed brass details which tie into the warm wood tones in some of my accents throughout. In the reflection, is my fourth Flowply bent wood hook...because every bathroom needs a hook! (The other three are in the Meeting Room.) I ordered this sweet print on Esty from PoorDogFarm. The sky, snow and trees remind me of where I came from and the mama bear and her cub makes me think of my sweet son who is all grown up now. PoorDogFarm also threw in this small extra print on the counter that I popped into an acrylic frame from Home Goods.

Take it all in...

I love the after!

This is the sink before. I researched refinishing options and settled on Homax. I painted backsplash tile in the last rental bathroom, but I have never used this product or painted a sink before. This task was at the end the entire project list. Once all of the main things were done and the shop was livable, I would tackle it. Of course, I also had to wait for the right weather and temperatures again. This type of waiting is just one of the many things that made this such a lengthy remodel. I am sure an expert would find my skills lacking, but I am so pleased with the sink results!

Look up!

I painted the ceiling black in this room. Small spaces are a great place to make a bold statement. Overall, I wanted the shop to be light, bright and have a consistent feel throughout. But, I wanted to have a little fun with the bathroom once I knew I had to tackle it. To my surprise, my landlord loves it! You just never know how people are going to react to black paint. So far, the few clients I have chosen black for over the years have been all in!
This bathroom was something out of a scary movie. I mean, look at this view. To my landlord's credit, this shop sat vacant for about 5+ years.

A much more welcoming view...well, as welcoming as a toilet can be. Haha.

As you can see in this last photo, I merely painted the old paneling instead of replacing. I just couldn't afford to tackle every single detail in this shop. Sometimes you just do the best you can with what you've got. Paint. Paint. Paint! And then remind yourself it's a 150 year old house.
Oh, and this tight area behind the door and in front of the toilet. It was really hard to take decent pics of this. I took the "after" a while ago before finishing this room.

We tossed the tall metal cabinet and replaced it with this popular metal tiered cart.

Photographer: Vanissa Murphy
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