Shop Transformation: 10.Back Entry
This is definitely a flex space. With a business like ours, it is a blessing.

After hauling out the excess furniture, our second hand treadmill hung out here for a while (yep, it's in the corner there.) A couple months ago, when I came to my senses and remembered I still live in south Louisiana, my husband and I sold it. Exercise had no business in this hot box of a shop. We had good intentions but, oh well! After two years, it was clearly not going to be used. So, as I encourage all of our clients, we had a decision to make: keep, toss sell, or donate!
This room is where boxes sit before I haul them to our landlord's burn pile or reuse them for something else. I also refer to this entrance as the loading dock. It is easy to load and unload the van at waist level.

There's is not much more to say about this room. Except, a client had laid a rubber mat flooring in her garage a couple years ago. I pieced together some of the leftover strips and covered the floor in here. It's easy to clean and takes abuse better than an outdoor rug.

Only one more room to go on this shop tour!
Photographer: Vanissa Murphy
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Up next:
Shop Transformation: 11.Kitchen